traffic and parking


Municipal hall Jablonec nad Nisou


Parking for cars and buses at the Municipal hall (Městská hala) is free of charge. There are limited parking spaces for buses at the City Hall. When you get off the bus, it will be necessary for the driver to park in another parking lot in Jablonec nad Nisou.
This information needs to be communicated to your carrier so that he can arrange parking for the duration of the competition at any other municipal parking lot in Jablonec nad Nisou.

The Jablonec Municipal Hall provides facilities for a wide range of sporting and cultural events. It is located in a beautiful place on the shore of the dam, nicknamed Jablonec Sea. Jablonec nad Nisou - a pleasant town, set in the picturesque nature of the Jizera Mountains, is famous in the world for the production of exquisite jewellery and the glass industry. It was Jablonec nad Nisou and its surroundings where the fame of world-famous brands such as Swarovski and Riedel began to be written.


The Municipal Hall was opened on 30 October 2002 and serves the Jablonec public, school facilities, physical education units and sports clubs. The concept of the building allows almost all types of indoor sports to be played in this multi-purpose facility and the hall can be prepared for large cultural and sporting events by means of extendable stands.


Jablonec nad Nisou also offers dancers and their entourage the possibility of active rest and relaxation for both children and adults (dam, beautiful historical centre, unique souvenirs - glass and jewellery, many excellent restaurants, wellness and entertainment venues). Clean mountain air and distant views are an inseparable and pleasant guide for visitors to Jablonec nad Nisou.